Outbreak Monkey “Collabine” (Album Review)
Independently promoted Outbreak Monkey is learning to eliminate the hiatus time so many artists take directly following the promotional stint of an album. After last years “The Residence Of Evil” extended E.P., Outbreak wasted no time in getting back into the lab and on the microphone. His latest project “Collabine” is more compilation than solo effort, but it’s arguably much more memorable, and far superior to it’s predecessor.
“Melody Abuse” is an entertaining tune with an aggressive beat and a chorus that corners the attention immediately. Saint Sinna provides quite the impression and marks one of the albums most impressive appearances. “Another Nightfall” is another diamond, a wonderfully bleak vibe screams replay. Never mind some of Outbreaks best vocal moments, and an insane chorus performed by the ridiculously underrated GrewSum.
“Paranoia” (which features Mars), “Respect 2.0” (featuring Magnetik) and “Own Worst Enemy” (a duo with Tali Demon) are all quality tracks that merit genuine attention. Outbreak Monkey’s unorthodox delivery keeps things quite interesting, and these tracks act as the best example of that unique sound executed at it‘s finest. Impressive and inspired choruses help ensure repeated visits to the ’Outbreak Monkey’ folder.
“Body Snatched” is the album’s sleeper. I’ll openly confess, this tune did nothing for me upon first listen; repetition however altered my initial perception. It’s a quality jam, with quality guest appearances from Scum and Trips. If it doesn’t snatch your attention the first time, don’t write it off, soak it up, you may find yourself humming along before you know it.
I’m not traditionally all too keen on “collaboration” albums, they tend to feel like a showcase for an artist who’s actually unfit to hold his own for the duration of an entire album. Outbreak Monkey however incorporates enough solo work to ensure listeners he’s definitely a capable emcee. If you dug “The Residence Of Evil”, don’t let all the guest appearances fool you, Outbreak is the highlighted artist on deck, and “Collabine” shows a measured level of growth for this young emcee that‘s more than respectable.
3/5 Axes
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